Closing date approached the show seemed
to be heading for a disaster of Titanic
proportions. The show entry was down
for the Russians and even our “extra” breeds
seemed non existent. Nevertheless the
show went ahead in the true spirit of “the
show must go on”. As problems quickly
followed one another, the committee and
their family and friends successfully
rallied round and manned the life rafts.
I want to thank everyone for their amazing
support which helped to prevent the show
meeting the same fate as the Titanic
a century earlier. Not least Marlene,
who had to abandon ship on Show Day due
to family commitments, but who provided
invaluable advice from on shore via radio
links!! It was good to see old friends
visiting the show. Despite the austerity,
I would like to thank the exhibitors
who supported the show and Trevor Turner,
our Duty Vet and his wife Jean who continue
to support us in so many ways.
Thanks especially to those who had family
problems but still managed to come. Without
this support, the show would have met
the same fate as the Titanic and sunk
without trace. A plea for next year,
please think about entering your beautiful
cats in the show, taking an advertisement
or sponsoring classes if it is not to
become a Titanic or a Costa Concordia
as without continued support the show
cannot survive.
As a
mere husband who was dishing out the
life belts I would like to thank all
gentlemen and ladies who rallied around,
from going round the car parks and dishing
out flyers (not a easy task) but made
a huge difference to the gate, all the
young people who helped everyone with
no complaints - they were fantastic.
Unstinting help from everyone, no matter
what the task.
We all
worked as a team young and old.