and Judge Reports
from the GCCF
Judge - Mrs Anderson-Drew
Best in Show Panel - Mrs Ashmore, Mrs Codd, Mrs Grant
Russian Blue Adult |
Russian Blue Kitten |
Russian Blue Neuter |
Best Male
Ch Serennol Yasha |
Best Male
Ch Serennol Yasha |
Best Male & Best Neuter
Pr Siykat Lancelot |
Best Female & Best Adult
IGrCh Koreshka Roksana Rusina |
Best Female & Best Kitten
Adurtsh Miss Moonshine |
Best Female
Ch & GrPr Shoelina Milyukova |
Provided by Elisabeth Stark
Pedigree Results
Imperial Grand Champion Male (Olympian class) - Mrs Anderson-Drew
1 (no Oly) - IGrCh Melkelter Valchekova
2 (no res) - UK & IGrCh Furbell Stargazer
Imperial Grand Champion Female (Olympian class) - Mrs Anderson-Drew
OGCC - IGrCh Koreshka Roksana Rusina
Res OGCC - UK & IGrCh Troika La Bayadere
Imperial Grand Premier Male (Olympian class) - Mrs Ashmore
OGPC - IGrPr Kremlinkatz Koschka Kirill
Imperial Grand Premier Female (Olympian class) - Mrs Codd
OGPC - IGrPr Larksong Angelina
Res OGPC - Ch & IGrPr Larksong Ghost Dancer
Grand Champion Male (Imperial class) - Mrs Ashmore
IGCC - GrCh Lyov Yarilo Larksong Dunoe
Res IGCC - GrCh Serennol Vanyusha
Grand Champion Female (Imperial class) - Mrs Codd
IGCC - GrCh Curtilla Penumbra
Res IGCC - GrCh Kremlinkatz Kara Karizma
Champion Male (Grand class) - Mrs Ashmore
GCC - Ch Serennol Yasha
Champion Female (Grand class) - Mrs Codd
GCC - Ch Sithee Madam Belladonna (RUS n)
Res GCC - Ch Koreshka Olexsa Bluestar (RUS a)
Russian Blue Male Adult - Mrs Ashmore
1 & CC - Koreshka Rudi Snaffleovski
Russian Blue Female Adult - Mrs Anderson-Drew
1 & CC - Kremlinkatz Kizmet Kizzy
2 - Alyona Dushka Meduzka
3 - Kremlinkatz Bayushki Bayu
Russian White or Black adult - Mrs Ashmore
1 & CC - Serennol Snowflake (RUS w 64)
2 - Brightlite Black Caviar (RUS n)
Male Kitten 14 weeks-6 months - Mrs Grant
1 - Dushenka Orphiel
Male Kitten 6-9 months - Mrs Grant
1 - Melkelter Wishful Thinking
Female Kitten 14 weeks-6 months - Mrs Grant
1 - Adurtsh Miss Moonshine
2 - Inneska Mustic Beau-Saf
3 - Dushenka Oribel
4 - Curtilla Solitaire
5 - Adurtsh Miia
Female Kitten 6-9 months - Mrs Grant
1 - Melkelter Galiya Gertruda
2 - Otis Poppy
Nebelung kitten assessment - Mrs Codd
1 & Merit - Brumeux Man Ov Steel
2 & Merit - Brumeux Le Dieu Bleu
Grand Premier Male (Imperial class) - Mrs Codd
IGPC - GrCh & GrPr Troika Ivan Tsarevich
Res IGPC - GrPr Curtilla Grey Mirage
Grand Premier Female (Imperial class) - Mrs Ashmore
IGPC - Ch & GrPr Shoelina Milyokova
Res IGPC - GrCh & GrPr Kremlinkatz Kohani Krystal
Premier Male (Grand class) - Mrs Ashmore
GPC - Pr Siykat Lancelot
Res GPC - Pr Troika Boris Godunov
Russian Blue Male Neuter - Mrs Codd
1 PC - Koreshka Isaac Mosskat
2 - Sithee Captainbenjishadow
3 - Furbell Web Design
Female Neuter - Mrs Codd
1 PC - Denillanne Francesca
2 - Shoelina Meconopsis
3 - Shertejo Doletskaya
Olympian Class - AV HP Imperial Grand Master Cat - Mrs Ashmore
Oly - IGMC Boris Agrippa
Imperial Class - AC Non-Pedigree Grand Master Cat - Ms Ravenscroft
IGMC - GMC Oliver
SH Self (Single Colour) Cat - Mr Whiting
BIC - GMC Oliver
SH AC Tabby Cat (except Ginger/Tortie) - Ms Ravenscroft
BIC - IGMC Boris Agrippa
SH AC Kitten - Mr Whiting
1 BIC - Tiny Spice
Imperial Class - AC Pedigree Pet Grand Master Cat Male- Ms Ravenscroft
IGMC - GMC Charlie
Grand Class - AC Pedigree Pet Master Cat Female - Mr Whiting
GMC - MC Dorable
SH Self (Single Colour) Cat - Mrs Codd
BIC - MC Dorable
Elizabeth Stark with BIS Award