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Caroline Moore

I was quite surprised and complimented to be nominated as RBBA Kitten Secretary in May 2011 and to be invited to serve on the RBBA Committee. It is definitely proving to be very rewarding to put potential suitable Russian Blue kitten owners in touch with our GCCF registered breeders, and to receive thank you letters from both breeders and new parents alike makes it all worthwhile.

My love of the Russian Blue cat began on seeing and reading about the breed in The Mitchell Beazley Pocket Guide to Cats. Having just lost a rescue "temperamental tortie" at the age of 18 years, the description of an "affectionate, rather shy and quiet, soft-voiced and graceful cat" appealed to me. However, my husband Andrew wanted another rescue cat, so we managed to combine both our wishes when the RBBA Welfare Co-Ordinator put us in touch with our first rescue Russian Blue, Sophie, who lived until about 17 years of age.

Married to Andrew for nearly 23 years, we have made Russian Blue cats a significant part of our lives. Over the years, we have enjoyed giving well-bred kittens a loving home, whilst always saving room for a couple of rescue Russians, if required. Our most notable re-homing was for Katy, adopted by us aged 15 years and who we sadly lost just before her 20th birthday. We currently own 4 Russian Blue Cats, Pandora, Herbert, Arthur and our beautiful little showgirl Larksong Annastasija who we enjoy taking out to occasional shows.

I look forward to serving on the RBBA committee and working as RBBA Kitten Secretary in 2012 and beyond.